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Puerto Vallarta’s top developments are getting more attention than ever before. The city welcomed 6.04 million visitors in 2023, which is 2.2% more than last year. Hotels in the region are doing exceptionally well, with 80% of rooms filled in early 2024. This shows how much people want quality places to stay. Smart investors have […]
CFE Puerto Vallarta operates as part of Mexico’s largest energy provider. The company serves 46 million customers nationwide and adds one million new connections each year. Their impressive infrastructure includes 110,347 kilometers of transmission lines and 882,715 kilometers of distribution lines—a network that could wrap around Earth 15 times. The company maintains 158 generating plants […]
Puerto Vallarta’s amazing safety record with hurricanes might catch many travelers off guard. Only three hurricanes have hit this popular Mexican beach spot in the last 50 years. The Sierra Madre mountain range naturally shields the area from these storms. The official hurricane season stretches from June 1st to November 30th. Storm activity peaks from […]
Oceanfront properties in Puerto Vallarta range from $350,000 to $5.5 million and make excellent investments. These prime locations showcase breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean and Sierra Madre Mountain Ranges. Mexico’s luxury real estate market values these properties highly. The market stays strong, especially when you have premium spots like Conchas Chinas – known as […]
Las ventajas y desventajas de comprar bienes raíces en México incluyen la asequibilidad, las opciones frente al mar, consideraciones legales y el potencial de inversión.